Rio + social
(United Nations Foundation)
We gave people on twitter a voice louder than the politics inside a closed room talking about our future at Rio+20. With side event in partnership with UN Foundation and Rio+20, Rio+Social reached millions of people worldwide and had the support of global leaders.
We created an event to discuss on social media what was being said inside closed doors by global leaders. To give voice to those who want to change the world for the better in a joint initiative of the UN Foundation, Mashable, 92nd Street Y, Ericsson, EDP and Planeta Sustentável. On the day before that, we started a Swarm Attack with 140 digital influencers on twitter to trend the hashtag and call people's attention to the event. It worked.

We also transformed all these tweets with the hashtag #rioplusocial into collaborative and crowdsourced 6minute speech that was read by Savern Suzuki at the event. The same girl that gave a mind-blowing speech at Rio92 and called the world’s attention.
We pointed media cameras direct at the summit being held outside the Rio+20. We showed the world the other face of global change: the people’s. 15 media vehicles, hundreds of celebrities supported and our main hashtag was a trending topic worldwide. Enough pressure to infiltrate on the main conference.
8 minutos na BBC