If it’s melted, it’s ruined!
(Ben & Jerry’s)
Ben & Jerry’s and Avaaz started a global movement to collect signatures and push world leaders to discuss climate justice. On November 28th, the whole world marched to show that the people demand action, and they demand it now. And to change the world we needed the whole world. So we called the ones that know about audience more than anyone: youtubers.
To raise awareness about the cause Ben & Jerry’s created a delicious flavour - S.O.S - and we invited 2 famous Brazilian youtubers to join us and try how delicious change the world can be. We also took our Kombi and visited the top universities in the city to collect their signatures.

On November 28th, millions of people marched around the world. In São Paulo, we were there. Together with our Youtubers Ambassador, their fans, friends, and many many more. Climate Justice became a hot topic among young people. After all, if it’s melted it’s ruined.